Thursday, May 6, 2010

What I've Learned From This Project

photo by: Shabbir Siraj

This project has showed me a new and fun way to look at poetry. Making a blog and sharing my feelings and opinions with others was a good way to learn more about the poem and poetry in general. I was a little nervous at first doing the project because I felt like I did not know how to analyze the poem to find its meaning. It took me a while to figure out if I was going to do the poem “Where Children Live” by Naomi Shihab Nye because I had two others that I could not make up my mind about. I knew this was the poem because as soon as I read it I got a feeling inside of me that told me this was the one.
When I first read the poem I thought that it only talked about childhood and the good times that children had, not worrying about anything. When I looked at it closer and reread it, I found that the poem not only talked about children but also adults. The adults view the world in a completely different way than children do. Both of these lines explain her meaning “And the house takes on a new face, dignified” and “Grown-ups like swings, leafy plants, slow motion back and forth.”
I remembered how in class we broke down the poems, line by line, to figure out what words meant and to see if there was a double meaning. There was a double meaning in my poem in the lines “Till the heart found itself dressed in the coat with a hood” and “Now the heart never goes outside to find something to “do.” I was excited when I found out what the whole poem was talking about by me. All of the hard work that we had done in class paid off in the end. I never knew how much I had “grown up” or ever took the time to notice that I was ignoring my childhood side. This project and poem has made me realize all of the things that I have given up, which I am proud to say that I am going to change.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Karminia. This poetry has also given me a positive outlook of poetry. It is very true that we may not notice we have come from since we first started learning about poetry. One can always find more new information or interpretations when we examine even closer on a poem. For example, I found out more and more information each time I read my poem.

